
: ̗̀➛ what i’ve been up to lately

hii everyone welcome or welcome back to my blog🥳 today i’ll be doing a life update, i’ve been sitting at this desk trying to think of a post to write but all i ended up with was a blank screen.✌️ anyway, here are the recent happenings of my life~

i feel like if i start writing about school then..80% of this post will be just me complaining about it. so i’ll save that for later. but then again-


and this is only the first 3 weeks of 9th grade. well, looking at the positive side..i like being with my friends. and i laugh everyday with/because of them just as much as i feel stressed out.😌😌😌 honestly, school would suck without them. (yes, you – iniya, joys, sana, dhanya, kamalika, raga, kavya and a bunch of others.)💗 and my classmates, who i’ve known for 3+ years even if most of you don’t talk to me.🔪😊

so we have an upcoming sports day, i have no idea what event i’m in yet. maybe roller-skating? speaking of, i think i might be competing in a skating tournament in september! i’m also a part of this science club activity and it’s great. also, i feel like i’ve gotten so much better at talking with others, answering questions in class, volunteering to be part of activities and stuff. and not being..just quiet all the time. not like that’s a bad thing though.🤷

i try to wake up at 4:44 am everyday, mostly to study, or just get ready for school earlier and i get some time to myself while mostly everyone else is asleep. and i feel like i’m getting better at time management. whatever that is😌 i was supposed to do a speech at my class assembly in front of the 9th and 11th grade assembly last week, that i wrote and practiced so many times for, did not end up happening. hopefully i get another chance.

new achievement unlocked: i’ve officially listened almost ALL of 5SOS’ songs. i’ve been listening to the same playlist for the last one month. and now i skip every song on it- this always happens, because i get so attached to one song or a whole playlist and listen to it obsessively then have no music to listen to and skip e v e r y song that plays on shuffle.

it makes me sad that there’s like..a lot less interaction from other bloggers when i post because a lot of them stopped blogging..or went on a break. but to everyone who still reads whatever i post and comments, i appreciate you so much! ❤ i love catching up with everyone else’s blogs and i did spent quite some time reading other’s posts today 😀

i’m behind on my reading goal for this year..there are a number of books i really want to read but don’t have time for. i really need those 2 months of summer break back😭 guess i’ll just have to start giving up my sleep to do things i want to. 👍🏽

but looking at the bright side of things, my cousins who i haven’t seen in a LONG time visit NEXT WEEK. next week! i already mentioned this about a hundred times to my friends. i’m so excited to see them again.🥰 let’s just hope i wont have too much schoolwork by then.🥴

and..i’m kinda failing on keeping up with most of the goals i set for this year. i haven’t had much time to continue learning spanish, or even write posts. so i think i might be going on a hiatus again, and it most likely will be unannounced so here’s an early notice-

let’s talk about oreo: (my dog)🐶 there was this time when he was being really aggressive and snapping at me all the time, or every time i tried to pet him. so i mostly stayed away, but he’s back to normal now, thankfully. it was his 17th month birthday a couple days ago. and he turns 18th months old around my birthday!💖

and that’s pretty much everything. i hope you enjoyed reading! let me know what you’ve been up to? thanks for reading, and i’ll see you next time!

31 thoughts on “: ̗̀➛ what i’ve been up to lately

  1. Wow, it seems like you’ve been really busy lately. For me, it’s summer vacation and I’m feeling the complete opposite with nothing to do. That’s so cool that you roller skate! I’ve tried roller skating before, but I mostly do ice skating. Anyways, good luck on your future tests and reaching your reading goals! I enjoyed reading this post!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. yeahh :’) that’s exactly how i felt during summer break too😂
      ooh, ice skating is awesome!! I’ve watched movies based on it, and it’s such a beautiful sport. (i don’t know if figure skating and ice skating are the same thing, but I’ve always wanted to do ice skating.)
      thank so much💜💜

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww, I’m sorry that you weren’t able to do your speech! But I’m glad that freshman year is going well, for you: I’m super excited about starting school again, next month. Also, I am the same as you that I’ve gotten better at talking to my peers compared to when I was younger. I think the late middle school/early high school years are the best for ✨character development ✨. Anyway, great post, Evin, as always!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yeah, but it might be rescheduled for another day..or not 😅
      ooh, that’s awesome! goodluck!
      that’s true!😁 it’s kind of when we start…like sort of finding ourselves?? you know😆
      thank you!!❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Tests are so tiring and unnecessary. 😩 I’ll keep saying this- 9th grade is harder than 10th grade. Since it’s the foundation year of all the hard stuff you’ll learn. I was very fortunate to have been in 9th grade during covid so we didn’t have tests or anything. Its downside is that i don’t know the basics so that sucks 🙂. Wow it’s great that you’ve been getting better at school! I’m proud of you!! 🤗”i try to wake up at 4:44 am everyday”, wow, how do you do that!?🤩 I cannot even wake up at 5am for school and get late almost everyday.😶 I knoww, it really feels bad that very less people are interacting. Blogging doesn’t feel the same anymore. “guess i’ll just have to start giving up my sleep to do things i want to” no, please don’t give up on your sleep. Sleep while you can, because you most probably will have many sleepless nights later in your life and you don’t want to regret not sleeping when you could have. And doing things sacrificing your health is not good. I hope you get to say your speech ✨It’s fine if you are not keeping up, you’ll eventually do that. Even if you don’t, there’s always a next time! Aw, I’ll miss you. how fast is he growing up!😭❤️ I’ve also been VERY busy since school started. And time tables don’t work at all. I mostly just study, or procrastinate or waste my time.😳

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree!!
      That’s true, I’ve heard that 9th is harder before..
      Thanks, Roshni🌹
      Haha, I usually wake up at 5:30 or 6 now. I figured 4:45-ish is too early for me..
      Well, I kind of meant that as a joke😂 I can’t go a day in school without sleep-
      Same! It’s one of those things😅
      Sorry for not replying earlier, I did read your comment when you posted it a couple days ago :))


  4. I remember 9th grade being so sucky but chill tenth grade is nice,survive just one year! I hope you get to do your speech and yes, it’s so great you’re part of clubs and events. I feel we’re in our last years of school and we should make it count. I also joined this literary club and I feel at home🥰 sure thing i really miss blogger interaction, mostly because they’re all teens who are going to school. Even didn’t come to blogging regularly (understatement), but I hope to😀
    You can’t do everything and that’s okay, just be yourself! With lots of love, Divi.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Okay, yes I hope 10th grade will be better. Isn’t that when board exams take place though??
      Oh, that’s great!☺️ It’s so cool you have a literary club at school.
      That’s true..
      Thanks, Divi💜


  5. aw loved all the pics in this post!
    it’s quite disappointing, over and over again, how quiet the blog community seems to be getting… *sigh* i’m still not sure what to do about it, like how much i want to blog since lots of people have left.
    i’ve probably said it before haha but your skates are SO pretty!!!
    whoa i have no idea how i’m doing with my 2022 goals… i’m gonna go read the post i wrote in january and see if i can work toward any of them 😂
    glad oreo’s doing better!
    4:44 am? i could neverrr but props to you! that’s amazayn;D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks, maggie!
      yeah.. it makes me really sad too.
      heh, you have but thanks again 😉
      xD good idea..
      oops..i pretty much stopped waking up that early. school is draining out basically all my energy and i just can’t keep up. i mostly miss the bus to school these days cuz of being late ahah


  6. 4:44am everyday? Wow, props to you! I can barely force myself to get up at 6:00am nowadays lol! I remember 9th grade like it was just yesterday and it’s going to come and go for you! At least you have great people to keep you company throughout your high school journey.

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  7. i know a lot of people are commenting about your crazy hectic schedule, but i just want to take a moment and say that you take such lovely pictures! honestly they’re so aesthetic ❤

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  8. I totally agree with not having any commenters.. *sighs* COME BACK Y’ALL! But i’m here so hi! lol Behind on my reading goal too. *sad high fives* Ohh, I hope you and your cousins have an AWESOME time! And good luck on school stuff! I’ll be joining you in highschool in a few months. <333

    Liked by 2 people

  9. wow, it sounds like school is keeping you on your toes! I hope you’re still putting aside time to relax. ahhhh I have a speech coming up which I have to do for English class and I am so nervous! I’ve never done a speech before and my whole class will be there. so nervous –
    it’s always fun seeing family members you haven’t seen in a while. I hope you have a great time with your cousins! well done for everything you’re doing. it’s honestly really commendable how much you can juggle, and I think you should know that. 🙂 💗💖

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I just love reading lifestyle post. And this one of yours is amazing. My 9th grade was super fun as it was during covid so we didn’t have any tests/exams or any project but then in 10th I faced some problems bc my concept were not that good in science. So, I’ll suggest you to focus on 9th as well bc it’s a base of 10th .. But yehh don’t forget to take proper sleep and take good care of your health..Stay hydrated.

    Liked by 1 person

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